Monday, July 18, 2011

Abby: pizza pizza

My mission for the week? use as much basil as possible. I bought a ton at the farmer's market last Thursday.  I love having one right out side of my office building.  Too bad every week I forget to bring money.  This time though, i was armed with $4.  So basil was just about all I could afford.  I looked very strange walking down the street constantly smelling my bag.  Even took it to happy hour for a little bit.  But I was the envy of all my coworker when they got a whiff.

First use was a personal pizza when I got home.  Not something I normally crave, but it was AMAZinG!!!
SOOOOO much basil for such little pizzas and oooohhh soooo good! I used my last sandwich thin for the crust.  so easy and so cheesy.
and of course the colors
I loved it so much I made it again for breakfast the next morning. Thank goodness someone picked up more sandwich thins. Later i got a craving for some peanutbutter.  Best kind? HOMEmAdE!!!


It is so easy to make! just peanuts, a little kosher salt, and I used one packet of Truvia.
  Of course since this was Sunday I was doing it while watching the Women's World Cup Finals.

 normally I am not a Truvia user, but I had it on hand.  And I'm willing to try things.  I used to be obsessed with Splenda. Lately I've been trying to cut back on the artificial sweeteners.  However in this house there are others to think about.  My dad is a diabetic.  So if you want him to try things, there better not be added sugars. Besides, with it running in the family I try to cut my chances whenever possible.
I used it for my pbj today.  Cinnamon raisin bagel thin, homemade pb, and strawberry jam.  THE BEST PBJ I HAVE EVER HAD! and that is saying something.  too bad I ate it before being able to take a picture :) whoops.

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