Today was beautifullll just gorgeous and a great day overall! Trained with the 2 girls - really gave them a push today! Worked on the treadmill then weights. They were complaining a little bit but at least the incentive was a swim in the lake after all their hard work! We canoed out to the center of the lake then decided to tip the canoe and jump in and swim back to shore. Swimming, weights worked up a sweat then met with the dietitian Nicole to go over the nutrition part for their day! Time to go at 5 pm and was all excited to pickup my Dad from the airport and meet up with him and my mom at Neptune's in Boston for some OYSTERS my favoriteee and then go to an amazinggg glass blowing extravagent showing at the Museum of Fine Arts... wellll over an hour later of intense traffic when it really should have only been about 20 minutes if that... I park and find out they just finished dinner and were walking out... No at this point I was startving and did NOT want to go right to the museum. Being in a sour mood I drove all the way home (another hour and a half to home). However, on the way I thought of what I wanted to make for dinner.... I have lots of veggies and a fillet of fish in the freezer... FISH TACOS? YUP

Slices of red, green pepper, red onion
Put into a Joesph's Wrap Wheat Tortilla with a Flounder Fillet I grilled up and topped with homemade salsa ( tomato with cilantro, onion, garlic) I added a little hot sauce too... then on the other side of the taco I added some corn salsa (homemade with corn, black beans, stevia, red onion)
I didn't know how this would hold up so I put it in foil and put in the toaster to make it a little more "toasty"
I was still in the mood to use up some more of the veggies I had so I threw on zuchinni, red, green pepper, red onion, salt pepper
Boiled barley and threw veggies with lemon juice and super FRESH mint and parsley and from the garden! Delicious for dinner/lunch/snacks for tomorrow and the rest of th week! DELISH
dang that taco looks amazing. it's on a Joseph's wrap? never heard of it. but i'll be looking for one the next time i go to the store!